

300km,  8000m of climbing.  20, 5 hrs of nonstop biking! And first one across the imaginary finishline :)
Thanks Tim for organizing such a great "allnighter" adventure!


Timaru 12hr MTB - solo

Three weeks after Wanaka race I have decided to enter the world of pain again and raced the Timaru 12hr mtb race solo. There were several keen bikers to keep me on my toes including Rotorua 24hr solo winner Ian Wright, 2012 Christchurch 12hr solo winner T.Kissel and Dunedin fittness coach and friend of mine Matty Graham. My race strategy was to go fast from the gun and hopefully I will have enough in the tank to keep me going at the end. I had a great support from the Cyclery team and thats what kept me going in good pace for the whole 12hr.  243km in one day - thats a good training ride, isnt't it?

2012 Wanaka 10hr MTB - solo

Our friends have recommended this race to me, so I thought I will check it out. And I am glad I did. The Wanaka MTB club has done an awesome job on the tracks. The course had it all - climbs, burms, fast downhills, jumps... you name it.
Half way through the race I have noticed that my rear wheel is badly buckeled and couple loose spokes are moving around. Not a good thing, especialy when I was sitting in second place. When I went through the transition area I slowed down little bit and told my support crew about this issue and carried on - hopefully I can make another lap till they get organized. So next time I went through we swapped numbers on to new bike a I carried on. I knew I lost valuable time but with confidence that my wheel is not going to buckle on the next corner I moved into 1.place and managed to hold it to the finish.